The DEI Guy
Politics • Education • Business
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is a hot topic! Everyday new DEI related news and information is added to our current paradigm. It is challenging to understand what DEI is (or is not), and how to stay on top of this global trend. This channel is designed to provide timely information, DEI training and education, and interactive discussions, from a conservative viewpoint. SUBSCRIBE now and “Lets go!”
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March 14, 2024
"DEI GUY Betrayal Blindness

This is a short video helping to confirm and identify Betrayal Blindness. "Betrayal Blindness" is a pervasive psychosis fundamental to DEI; it is the underlying enabler and motivation for irrational "equity" policies and decisions. To make sense of the nonsense this is a "MUST-WATCH!"

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DEI Training Module 3

Kevin shares the final video in his training on DEI and it's relevance to Marxism, Collective Action and the current situation we find ourselves in today.

April 04, 2024
"Equity" current event and conversation on REPARATIONS!
March 10, 2024
DEI Training Module 2: Inner Workings of DEI

This module unfolds through historical milestones, including the abolitionist movement, the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the era of segregation, showcasing the perseverance and contributions of African Americans against systemic oppression. It sheds light on the civil rights movement led by figures such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Frederick Douglass, their fight for equality, and the role of affirmative action in attempting to rectify historical injustices.

A significant portion of the module critiques Darwin for his racist ideologies and their lasting impact on societal structures and attitudes towards race. It emphasizes the need for modern DEI initiatives to confront and dismantle the remnants of such theories that continue to underpin racial biases and inequalities.


I just learned of this community today on Free Black Thought podcast.

It warmed my heart to hear you mention the personality/values-set of the "house negro", because I too had independently identified the same profile - including in members of my own "white" family. To me, this sort of person is someone who values status and safety over freedom and responsibility.

Please, come check out Solid Ground on locals. You will likely find kindred spirits there. It is the child of conversants on The Radical Center on YT.

April 22, 2024
"Equity" is a "killer!"

This episode will uncover:
_ Equity is used as justification for anti-Israel hate!

  • Equity is used to "kill" women's sports
  • SCOTUS confirms DEI goes against discrimination laws
    -Exceptional Students denied enrollment based on equity!
    #DEIhypocrisy #DEInonsense #Inclusion #DEI #Equality #SocialJustice #RepresentationMatters #InclusiveLeadership #DiverseVoices #AntiRacismn #Intersectionality #Accessibility #CulturalCompetence #GenderEquality #ImplicitBias #Multiculturalism #WorkplaceDiversity #Empowerment #Belonging
February 23, 2024
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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:
Perfectly Synchronized With ‘Steal, Kill, and Destroy’ (Sound Familiar?)

By Kevin McGary

The global surge of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), now a social component woven into the fabric of ESG standards (Environmental, Social, Governance), marks a potent force on the global stage. Yet we still struggle to learn whether it is a force for good or a potentially diabolical one.

Crucial to understand is how the terms Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion have radically veered over time into very different meanings. Originally, “diversity” conveyed the idea of providing individuals from diverse backgrounds with equal access to affiliate within a given group or association. “Equity,” in its inception, revolved around the idea of upholding consistent standards for all individuals and groups; everyone has a “stake” and is a stakeholder. “Inclusion,” in its primary sense, signified inviting people of varied backgrounds and identities to fully partake in a group or association, to become like “members of the family.”

However, in the current context of DEI, these terms have morphed to symbolize imposing very different standards, demanding preferential outcomes based on factors such as race, sex, and gender identity, with a notable emphasis on skin color. White people, in particular, are often viewed as “problematic” and targeted for displacement, reflecting a destructive force. In these ways, DEI’s destructive force is tantamount to stealing, killing, and destroying.

Not Unifying but Dividing and Demolishing

While some still champion DEI as a unifying force, an increasing body of evidence suggests otherwise. Instances of disproportionate negative treatment towards whites in workplaces, coupled with race-based firings and layoffs that seemingly subvert labor laws, belie DEI’s proclaimed goal of unity.

Negative treatment towards whites within workforces (including forced Marxist-tinged DEI training/“struggle sessions”) and race-based firing/layoffs that subvert federal and state labor laws by undermining existing Equal Employment Opportunity laws and policies, make clear to an objective observer: DEI’s track record reflects disruption and disunity—not unity!

The supposedly appropriate DEI initiatives make many people feel their futures are being stolen, with shortened career paths and diminished opportunities for advancement based solely on skin color. DEI’s departure from the ethical standards championed by Dr. Martin Luther King that focused on character over skin color, constitutes a form of stealing.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, stealing means “to take another person’s property without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.” Therefore, DEI steals!

DEI also inflicts a form of killing. Individuals’ merit and core competencies often take a backseat to skin color, impacting personal dignity and ambition, as DEI initiatives, particularly those focused on “equity,” undermine the very qualities that inspire excellent work. Excellence and work ethic are the very attributes that provide drive and ambition toward high performance and quality work.

But, relatively speaking, DEI initiatives (especially when obsessed with outcome-based demands called “equity”) kill personal dignity and ambition. To be sure, the Oxford definition of killing is “to put an end or cause the failure or defeat of something.” Current DEI implementations specifically comport with this definition.

The culmination of DEI initiatives, especially those fixated on “equity,” lead to destruction and humiliation. They amount to retributive acts towards whites solely based on skin color. DEI policies, targeted to disadvantage and humiliate certain people, lead to the dismantling of workgroups, eroding business excellence and efficiencies, ultimately culminating in the collapse of entities that would otherwise create prosperity.

“Destroy” is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as “to ruin someone emotionally or spiritually. To utterly defeat someone.” With honesty and sincerity, we can easily recognize that some of the DEI-associated actions we’ve experienced or read about do produce destruction. The mindset that destroys the individual leads to destroying workgroups, which leads to destroying business excellence and efficiencies, which results in breakdown.

Equity: The Marxist Infection

The unspoken fact: The collapse of business and society aligns with DEI’s fundamental goals. With “equity” as its focus, DEI mirrors Karl Marx’s schemes to undermine capitalism and free markets. A commitment to diversity alone or inclusion alone doesn’t carry the destructive elements of stealing, killing, and destroying. It’s the “equity” element that rejects meritocracy while embracing Marxist principles and instigating actions that weaponize the ominous trio.

A commitment to diversity in and of itself can be a smart business move as the United States becomes more diverse and continues to expand and flourish with diverse people groups. The simple commitment to diversity doesn’t steal, kill, and destroy.

Likewise, a commitment to inclusion doesn’t steal, kill, and destroy. Inclusion simply provides workplaces and communities that are more open and accepting. An inclusive environment resembles a nuanced extended family scenario. Inclusions are designed to help reduce the stress of dealing with hierarchical stereotypes of “closed management rungs” while helping people foster kinship with corporate missions and goals.

It is only “equity” that eschews meritocracy and demands equal outcomes. Its underlying Marxist principles drive actions that steal, kill, and destroy. Equity lives as the mindset of those who adhere to the notorious anti-God, anti-business, pro-state-run Marxist philosophies.

Marx’s singular goal was to inculcate ideas and policies that would bring about a communist utopia that rejects personal attributes of excellence and competence. His utopian schemes aimed to flatten and replace corporate hierarchies with government/state-run entities. Having mooched off his parents and never holding a real job, Marx declared that people who were educated, competent, and deserving of merit and advancement were unworthy of esteem. Instead, Marx demanded that all people should share the same income and advancement levels. He ignored market-based incentives toward excellence. He highlighted people’s malaise, not excellence.

With DEI, Marx’s diabolical dreams have become our nightmarish reality. Since the diabolical dreams of Marx find expression in DEI constructs, the current concoction is aptly seen as the “devil’s brew.”

Anti-God Roots Yield Destructive Fruit

Karl Marx’s disdain for God infects DEI’s divisive actions. Rejecting individual attributes of excellence and competence, DEI, especially with “equity,” seeks to equalize income and advancement levels, mirroring Marx’s communist ideals.

The DEI concept should ideally be altruistic, focusing on diversity and inclusion, which foster sincere diversity initiatives. Objectively viewed, DEI’s current “fruit” reveals DEI as a selfish, communistic force infused with nefarious intentions. Far from fostering unity and flourishing for all, DEI reflects the destructive ideologies of Karl Marx.

Intrinsic to his worldview, Marx was grotesquely vitriolic and hateful towards any notion of God. He emphatically declared his war against God. It’s therefore unsurprising that his theories and schemes are all designed to steal, kill, and destroy. These are the hallmarks of what the thief Satan comes to do (John 10:10).

Attempts to revise Karl Marx and his diabolical acts and schemes fail because socialism and his ultimate utopia, communism, are specifically designed to carry out principles that steal, kill, and destroy.

True diversity efforts should be altruistic, moral, and ethical. A focus on diversity and inclusion, while wholly rejecting the demands of “equity,” can allow sincere diversity initiatives to once again flourish. Judging DEI on its current “fruit” means acknowledging it is selfish, communistic, and infused with evil schemes and intentions that reflect the avowedly demoniac Karl Marx.

Regrettably, DEI does not reflect unity and cannot support the flourishing of all humankind.

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February 23, 2024
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DEI Dilemmas Abound:
Let’s Attempt to Make Sense Out of Nonsense!| The Epoch Times

By Kevin McGary 11/28/2023

Continued from Part I

A ubiquitous global trend toward Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) exists. This new trend’s emergence brings dilemmas confirming profound hypocrisy and grotesque duplicity, so it must be rejected, not celebrated.

Ignoring obviously inconvenient truths about DEI and its unprincipled hypocrisy means hiding our heads in the sand. That isn’t comforting or practical; it’s cowardice! It won’t be easy, but we must attempt to make sense out of DEI nonsense.

DEI Versus Sound Medical Practice

When DEI tactics and practices influence medical practitioners and their responses to life-or-death decisions, everyone needs to pay close attention.

Some medical providers in the United States and Canada have begun incorporating so-called social justice, anti-racism, anti-oppression, and cultural safety to promote “equity” in medicine. But why dump the Hippocratic Oath that mandates “first do no harm”? The Oath already aimed toward providing everyone with justice and equality in healthcare, ensuring patients needing care will receive it. The Oath doesn’t look at skin color or other attributes; it calls for medical care committed to the “first do no harm” principle for all.

DEI-driven activists are reimagining medical practice to deliver healthcare depending upon a patient’s race, sex, gender, and rank on the “oppressor” scale. Patients are treated or not treated based upon their race, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender identity, social class, ability, immigration status, and more. How does that make sense? Measuring a patient’s political-social worthiness cannot be the doctors’ job when healthcare is needed.

When practitioners consider arcane factors of race, sex, etc., before helping a patient in an emergency, they are committing malpractice. The “standard of care” for physicians requires treatment that meets the acceptable performance of a practitioner in the field. That standard nowhere excuses poor performance that the doctor justifies by the patient’s race, ethnicity, sex, gender, or “oppressor” status.

Proper medical practice requires a doctor to maintain excellence in knowledge and skills, but also to recognize the doctor’s areas of non-expertise. Patients typically check a doctor’s track record and competency level before surgery. Patients don’t accept a “politically correct” surgeon for his or her social justice and DEI training; they want the best doctor available to them because of the doctor’s professional skills.

DEI advocacy and related practices within healthcare are already impacting lifesaving services and care, with no end in sight. Lives will be lost as a socio-political agenda expressly mandates unequal treatment of patients.

DEI Dismantles Education

The medical/healthcare field is just one example of DEI degrading quality and fairness. Another is the arena of education.

Believe it or not, many “educated” intellectuals assert that math, science, and English are racist power vectors. They oppose any performance testing in those subjects to measure intellectual acuity or accuracy. They allege that these ancient fundamental subjects, dating back hundreds or thousands of years, all came from “white racist” academics who sought to retain “supremacy” while undermining black development. Their claims fail the test of history while they stir up hate and resentment.

The underlying DEI “equity” thread is that black and other ethnic minority students should not be held to achievement standards concerning any academic material that white people created or developed in the past. DEI demands that everyone automatically assume that the foundational knowledge basics are infused with racist and supremacist ideologies intended to undermine blacks and continually oppress them.

DEI activists call for rejecting the presumed racist subjects and warning children against the dangers of the “white” works, ideas, and subjects. The new paradigm of equity in education urges that any “white racist” intellectual works, regardless of how they benefited societies, must be rejected as oppressive to blacks.

Sober thinking, however, means realizing the anti-education idea is obviously irrational. The DEI schemes are unserious and deem blacks as inherently inferior. Basically, DEI says: Blacks cannot learn, so education must be lessened.

Whether knowingly or ignorantly, “woke educators” broadly assert black underachievement, building upon a Darwinian theory that black students have innate learning deficiencies and so they are handicapped by oppressive school subjects. Think for a moment about how the “woke” ideas about education further those longstanding racist hypocritical tropes!

Generations of blacks have studied existing curricula from all subjects, mastered them, and are now living incredibly successful lives. Yet DEI advocates say blacks are innately inferior, i.e., incapable. They believe the only way to get black students to graduate and achieve at the same level as other ethnicities is to bend the curriculum curve downward. Society must cast off any notions of academic excellence because they are imposed by white racist paternalist hegemony.

Sincere DEI professionals working in education, especially those assuring equity, should recognize that true equity in education means that black students have access to every opportunity and resource to learn that other students have. As private schools provide additional academic choice, sincere education reformers should endorse and encourage school choice programs for all students.

Forcing children into the “one size fits all” public school paradigm contradicts “equity” by denying educational choices tailored to each child’s skill, abilities, and interests. Not having choices for learning environments that best suit the child is what causes broad inequities in future outcomes for individuals. It is a systemic lack of school choices—not purported “racist curriculums”—that causes issues with future hiring and advancement opportunities.

Hypocritically, advocates of DEI typically reject school choice. Why? DEI advocates do not embrace and champion school choice because they are more committed to a communistic structure (state-run education) and have adopted a Darwinist mindset that assumes some ethnicities innately lack learning capacities based on race. The truly uplifting pathway would commit to seeing students as individuals who can all achieve if given equal opportunities.

There is no need to degrade academics or downgrade standards to accommodate “the poor blacks.” For countless generations, blacks have demonstrated the ability to achieve excellence and overcome any barriers. Tropes that connote black inferiority may make progressive “do-gooders” feel warm and fuzzy as they condescend toward blacks, but those who espouse these ideas must be corrected.

Guilt-ridden proponents of DEI often attempt simplistic, condescending, racialized perspectives to reinforce that blacks are incapable of competing in education. Nonsense!

Corporations Surrender to Contradictions

Corporations have also fallen into the trappings and associated dilemmas of DEI. Many corporate elites proudly “beat their chests” and virtue signal about “justice,” diversity, and equality. In reality, they act more as groveling cowards than stalwarts who should stand on principles of corporate fairness and equality.

The cultural tide of Marxism has enveloped most businesses and organizations via the latest tactic of DEI initiatives. Still, instead of business “leaders” combatting and rejecting brazen anti-capitalist Marxist schemes, they humbly bow in deference to them. Why?

We have seen corporations and global organizations embrace and support Black Lives Matter (BLM) even as BLM boasted of being anti-capitalist and “revolutionary Marxists.” Most major sports teams piled on alongside corporate donors to boost BLM coffers to an estimated billion dollars.

Even if one feels bad about George Floyd’s death, why would any organizations align and support diehard Marxists as they proudly disdain and threaten them as “victimizers,” “colonialists,” “oppressors,” and evil “capitalists”? A principled response from corporations would be to push back on BLM and demand that they publicly reject Marxism before any donations could be released.

Here’s the dilemma: How can DEI initiatives inspired by and rooted in Marxism be supported and embraced by free-market/capitalist entities? Corporations and entities that espouse DEI not only put themselves at significant risk due to federal and state employment non-discrimination laws by intentionally hiring and giving promotions solely based on skin color, but they entangle themselves in Marxist duplicity by accepting forms of Marxism while operating supposedly as capitalist.

DEI’s internal contradictions, and ultimately, anti-black theories run against any genuine commitment to justice and equality for all. We cannot make sense of DEI because it is riddled with noxious ideas. The fair, reasonable, and uplifting course is to combat DEI nonsense wherever it appears.

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February 23, 2024
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Dilemmas of DEI:
If We’re Sincere, How Do We Make Sense Out of Nonsense?| The Epoch Times

By Kevin McGary 11/09/2023

When we carefully study the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) movement that is dominating workplaces and community trends, we find those ideas wrought with landmines.

There are potential landmines to navigate due to federal and state labor laws. Some landmines undermine America’s history of business ethics and human dignity through the active encouragement of racism. Some landmines infringe on the commitment to personal growth and competency. And some landmines confirm that DEI advocates are either insincere hypocrites (at best) or double-minded pathological sociopaths (at worst).

None of these landmines present a “pretty” unifying picture, as they are all quite explosive.

Let’s give DEI the benefit of good intentions. Assume DEI aims to instill a commitment to maximizing diversity, to level the playing field by encouraging higher percentages of participation from racial/ethnic and gender groups, and to enshrine fully inclusive environments that deliver oneness and unity through all ranks. It still must overcome obvious dilemmas plaguing its current implementations. Indeed, current implementations of DEI confirm hypocrisy instead of principled methods based on unifying principles.

A glaring example of arcane hypocrisy appears when DEI advocates claim that blacks and certain gender groups need to be gratuitously promoted and placed in more senior positions whether they have demonstrated skills and competencies or not. Advocates say such non-meritorious advancement policies provide people with personal dignity and accomplishment while unifying the working environments.

The dilemma this creates, however, is that people who are placed in positions for which they would not otherwise qualify, are viewed and callously dismissed as “diversity hires.” Being so labeled bestows no dignity, but instead undermines personal integrity and the commitment to excellence and competency. Additionally, the non-merit-based placements create workplace animosity and disunity, not unity.

Most federal and state labor laws reject hiring or displacing anyone based on immutable characteristics like race or gender. Another dilemma arises: Employers must walk a fine line to avoid running afoul of existing labor laws protecting opportunities for equal employment.

Racism, even in reverse (blacks using racist tactics against whites), is still racism.

The principled American ethos is a commitment to stand against and reject racism wherever it exists (even if inconvenient). Most DEI advocates try hard never to admit how DEI enshrines racist motives and implementations. Still, when viewed through an objective lens, the proof of racist machinations within DEI is manifest.

The racial underpinnings of DEI should not be surprising when considering its neo-Marxist foundations. Karl Marx, a virulently hateful racist and bigoted antisemite, invented Marxism. My latest book, “DEI in 3D,” confirms the many ways Marxism overlays DEI and establishes unscrupulous demands to level the otherwise capitalist hierarchies within workplaces. Marxist tactics are designed to create chaos and ultimately collapse all “capitalist” systems.

Like hand in glove, DEI socially conditions people for a “great reset” of organizations and societies while providing a tool for meting out retribution against those considered “privileged” (based only on their skin color, gender, or political and religious leanings).

Make no mistake, Marxism rejects Dr. Martin Luther King’s call for all decent people to ignore immutable characteristics (like the color of skin and gender) and focus on individuals’ “content of character.” Going in the opposite direction, Marxism drives activists toward teaching and worshiping racism and sexism! How, then, can Marxists/Marxism deliver unity?

DEI is tightly bound with Marxism. Given Marx’s racism, bigotry/antisemitism, hate, and his insatiable determination to undermine capitalism, Marxism becomes a prominent and inconvenient dilemma for DEI advocates. Many attempt to deceive people, deflecting away facts confirming the DEI-Marxism connection, but DEI and Marxism are unavoidably intertwined.

Knowing all these facts, why would capitalist/free-market-oriented organizations encourage and invite Marxist trainers, Marxist theory, or any other neo-Marxist trappings, thinking any of these could achieve the goal of “unifying?” Marx himself predicted social division and upheaval for extended periods, thinking of those as necessary to achieve his utopian vision. (His vision has always devolved into poverty and tyranny.)

DEI advocates should reject any programs and policies designed to eliminate, undermine, or marginalize blacks. But here arises another dilemma.

A quick review of history sheds light on this dilemma. My book “WOKEd Up!” details how one of Charles Darwin’s most inhumane and disastrous theories was designed to exterminate selectively those he deemed inferior. With his first cousin Francis Galton, Darwin concocted a scheme to undermine the natural progression of humanity.

Cataclysmic outcomes for countless members of the human race continue to this day as a result of Darwin and Galton’s grotesquely concocted theories. The book recounts these key facts: Galton, a renowned statistician and scientist (of sorts), asserted that human anthropology proved Caucasian supremacy (white supremacy) and is undergirded by “survival of the fittest.” Classifications, statistics, and his (mostly predetermined) anthropological assessments unleashed Galton’s new terminology to a hungry and racist elitist class looking for full justification to continue maltreatment of all other ethnicities.

Galton expanded upon Darwin’s ideas to pioneer eugenics. Eugenic is a Greek-based term meaning “well-born.” Galton aimed to undermine the reproduction rates of other ethnicities by disparaging non-Caucasian races as not “well-born.” He used newly developed rudimentary classifications and categories to quantify differences among races that justified treating races differently.

In his hubris, Galton felt so strongly about eugenics that he anticipated others would accept and fervently embrace it like a “religion.” Most regrettably, Darwin and Galton’s works were used as justifications to classify, marginalize, and dehumanize all races outside of pure white/Caucasian while extolling the white supremacists and elite.

In America, Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger trumpeted eugenics. She was a frequent speaker at the women’s Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and an avowed racist. One of her most infamous and incredibly audacious statements is, “We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.”

Sanger’s Planned Parenthood clinics are strategically located (disproportionally) in Black/Brown communities to this day. Unfortunately, Sanger’s dream to exterminate blacks has become a reality as it rampages and ravages under the auspices of abortion.

Since eugenics (e.g., abortion) is wholly incongruent with the primary tenets of diversity, equity, and inclusion, why is it largely tolerated and fervently supported by DEI professionals? Those sympathetic to abortion, a “procedure” grounded and founded in racism and white supremacy, embrace mindsets that lead to societies being perpetually divided and unequal, with certain individuals or groups being considered “less than” because of their genetic makeup. Rather obviously, these outcomes don’t align with the claimed spirit of DEI.

Consider this conundrum. DEI advocates say they are promoting diversity, striving for equity, and ensuring inclusion for all. Their position means taking a stand against any form of racism or targeted violence. DEI advocates should, therefore, act against discrimination and systemic injustices that disproportionately affect African Americans or any other marginalized groups.

Meanwhile, the KKK is infamously known for its promotion of white supremacy, racism, and violence towards various minority communities, including African Americans, Jewish individuals, LGBT people, and others. DEI advocacy should contradict the KKK.

Yet DEI advocates almost universally support Planned Parenthood, an organization that has long targeted the black and brown communities with abortions that eliminate their children; this comports with schemes of the KKK rather than counteracting them.

Darwin created dilemmas that fundamentally undermine humanity by ignoring the inherent value of every individual. DEI professionals must recognize that eugenics/abortion undermines humanity by promoting discrimination, limiting human potential, and denying the inherent value of every individual. Such results contradict what DEI is supposed to stand for.

Yet because DEI is enmeshed with Darwinism and Marxism, most companies and DEI professionals fully support Darwin’s racist white supremacist scheme of abortion. Support for abortion is antithetical to the spirit and fundamental tenets of DEI. Any DEI professional who operates with integrity and steadfast commitment to their DEI role must, therefore, reject any harmful ideology supporting abortion and instead celebrate the diversity and potential of all human beings.

To the extent that DEI advocates are, in effect, standing with the KKK as it targets blacks for extermination, the advocates promote violence and the gross violation of human rights. When DEI professionals ignore Planned Parenthood and its active targeting of black communities for “extermination,” they should be dismissed as insincere, hypocritical sociopaths.

Just a few DEI dilemmas are presented here, but they are profound and warrant sincere recognition and corrective action. The only way to make sense out of the nonsense of the current DEI paradigm is to immediately reject and denounce Marx/Marxism and associated schemes designed to selectively reduce ethnic populations—a sordid fad now circulating among today’s depopulationist elites.

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